Global Reach Internet Productions

Advanced Permissions

With an advanced approval hierarchy and permissions system, SiteViz Premier makes it easy for multiple people to help maintain your website(s). Each member can be assigned varying levels of permission to manage content, helping keep your website secure. Website administrators can create an unlimited number of permission groups, and assign staff members to each group accordingly. They can then determine which permission group can create, view, update, and delete website content for each website module.

For static pages, website administrators can specify not only which permission groups have access to edit a page, but also the level of access permitted. Assigning a group editor access to a page, allows the group to make changes to the content, but not the ability to publish those changes. Author access to the page, allows anyone in the permission group to approve and publish changes to the page. If an editor makes a change to an existing static page, the new version will be saved as a draft. Only when an author approves the draft, will it be published on the website. Dynamic modules that require moderation will allow editors to post new content as inactive records. Authors will then be notified of the records, and only when they activate those records will they be made available on the website.

The combination of the above features allows for the distribution of administrative tasks across an organization while still maintaining accountability. Administrative users see only what they have access to, making managing a website immensely easier while maintaining security.

Image of membership management tool


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